Have you ever said or thought to yourself "I wish life was like a movie." (come on, admit it, I know you have!). Well here is a provoking thought for you people out there. But first let me gather my thoughts and explain.
So now that I've been home and for most of the day am home alone, I find myself thinking about lots of random things. Something new that got me thinking today was Grey's Anatomy. No, I'm not obsessed and not really a fan, but it just happened to be on at the time I sat down. From what I could figure, this episode was some sort of season catch up or review as it went through short sections of many episodes. It was all very exciting and VERY dramatic in so many terms and ways. Then after all the holla-baloo was over, a thought occurred to me that I had never really appreciated or cared for before.
I'm glad my life is NOT like a movie. Cause really, there is so much ridiculous drama and over-the-top reactions and unnaturalness in it all. It would just be so hectic and always thinking on your feet and there would ALWAYS be a catch somewhere in everything in anyway. I'm not saying that real life isn't like that sometimes, but other times there just isn't a catch or where something has to go wrong before it can be totally awesome.
Examples - (excluding all animation and cartoons, cause those aren't real to begin with)
Penelope - well, the biggest problem is that she was born with a pig nose and ears; blows the whole story out of proportions right there
P.S. I Love You - cancer really does take people from our lives, but what are the odds that you would run into your deceased husbands old best friend twice in like a 24 hour period?
Princess Bride - R.O.U.S's? I don't believe they exists. But can I have a pirate for myself?! (Sorry that comment is going against my argument...)
Italian Job - I mean, who plans amazing jobs like that and gets away twice under the radar of all government officials? And how is it that Stella is the only offspring and gorgeous?!
Taken - it could be real where your daughter gets taken and used like his did, but what are the odds that your dad is a super spy/ninja and would be able to find you, fight off all the bad guys, and survive all by himself?
Then we've got the based on true events movies like Remember the Titans and Blindside. Yes there is truth and actual real life experiences and stories in those movies, but to make it a good box office hit along with the true-ness of it all, there has to be some things added in and some things expounded upon.
Of course there are real, personal, life experiences that could be part of a movie.
Throwing a next door neighbor's shoe in the middle of the night into the middle of an iced over pool with a locked gate around it and figuring how to get it out with chair and a pool net - Holding a roommate while she cries and just lets go of it all then taking her to Brick Oven with sweats and no make up on hoping no one will see you - Go to China for 7 weeks - Laughing hysterically as you make one of your roommates make animal noises in her sleep or take her on a date with Peter Pan - Re-watching a part of a movie with roommates several, too many, times over and over to watch a couple come together - Not being able to get into your apartment building because there is a couple making out at each entrance - Calling home and crying over a crummy day ending with a horrible exam grade - Getting hit on in Vegas by two drunk men...need I tell more? Cause I will.
So I guess what I'm trying to say (let me explain, no there is too much, let me sum up) is that I am grateful for my normal, boring, day-to-day, life where I get to experience and learn on my own. Where I don't always find my McDreamy (or McSteamy) and fall in love in a week. Where I don't always make it out of a trial in sweet success. Where I don't have unlimited money. Where I don't have a party or event to go to every night or every weekend for that matter. Where I don't always have friends over all the time. Where there is always a happy ending.
That's why we're here! We're here to experience all things through our own choices and actions. Where sometimes we fall and sometimes we succeed. We're here to learn to lead a life of our own. We are here to find happiness. How we find and fulfill our happiness is our choice. I'm grateful for the choice that I have made, those not so good and those better, that have led me to where I am now. I know that however bored I may be, or however much I get stuck in a rut of how much I miss BYU and friends, I have made the choice to where I am at this moment in my life and I've felt that this is what I'm supposed to be doing now and where I'm supposed to be.
So lets all be happy with a normal, non-movie life because I can bet if you take a step back and look at it all, its one heck of an awesome life amidst all the mountains to climb and bumps in the road.
What a wonderful, wonderful blog! I have to admit it made me cry. Today was just one of those days where I felt like just throwing in the towel. Now I am extremely grateful for today! (except that you aren't here to share it with me) stay amazing shazzam!!