So I caved in, I made a blog. What really got me to do this was the super-duper experience I had today. I will explain...
My loving father a few weeks ago told me after church that he had signed me up for a cannery volunteer assignment. I thanked him graciously for signing me up without any previous consent, and yet I agreed to do so because I before then had not had an experience to help in the LDS cannery. So this morning was the morning. I arrived, found my way to where I was supposed to go and signed in with name tag sticker and all. After we watched the very "well done", included with humor and all, safety/information video produced by the church, we were informed that we were going to be doing syrup today. I thought, ok I can do that. The man then counted and said you six sisters will be doing lids. Lids? um, ok. Wait! Just because I'm of the female gender, I'm selected to do a what seems like a task with an easy work load and not much hard labor involved? Come on! I came from throwing tables and chairs (oh excuse me, we never threw, they were sacred resources we were dealing with...) and building awesome set crew muscles and now I'm doing such things as finger exercises because I'm a woman?! Do not underestimate me man! And yet, alas, I consented to my gender role and prepared for the task.
After hand washing, hair net, and gloves I was set. I went into the production room, was told where to stand, and told what to do: twist on the cap then untwist it so that it can expand and release pressure in the machine. I looked around, looked down at the box full of red syrup lids, looked at the clock...I'm supposed to do this for 4 hours, really? Maybe we'll switch jobs or something. Then began the next hours of my life full of, as my good friend Craig would say, a "mind-numbing" job. No we did not switch, no one talked to me, I didn't talk to anyone, I just stood there for three and a half hours screwing on lids blowing my mind away into oblivion trying to keep occupied with something to think about and trying to remember more that just the two songs that kept coming into my mind. I had to keep reminding myself that I was screwing on red lids for a good cause. Its for a good cause. I'm doing this to build character...what?!
I thought this red lid experience was so funny that I needed to share it with someone, because while at BYU I would go back to the apartment and tell my roommates of my experiences of the day. However, I no longer have that precious and dearly missed opportunity. So who would I tell? I could go home and tell my parents, but...that doesn't satisfy my craving of telling someone of my story as I embellish and make it a fantastic story. So then I thought, I could write a Facebook status about it, but then I couldn't tell the whole story. Then I thought, I could make a blog and write about it! Brilliant! I'll do it! And look, I have done it. Accomplished. Boom. Roasted.
That's when I figured it out. That's when I reasoned as to why people - particularly women - make blogs. They get married or move away and feel disconnected with those they used to share their masterfully spoken stories and life experiences with. However, they still want to connect with the world around them, share what new things they are experiencing, tell what funny moments happened, and what better way than a pretty colored internet page about their life! So here we go...I made a blog about my experience at the LDS cannery. I'm disconnected from my good life of BYU with awesome roommates as I stay at home and prepare for a mission. So even though no one will read this, it is posted on the world wide web, hoping, that maybe someone will read this and be enlightened or just laugh at me and go about their day. Thank you for reading, I hope you have a stupendous day!
bah j-nessa (yeah I said j-nessa in my head for some reason so I thought I would type it like that.) you crack me up. welcome to the blogging world ha. also, I miss you.
How do I get my hands on some of that delicious syrup, made with love, sweat and tears, by you. By the by, 22 hours :)