Wednesday, January 19, 2011

First Kiss

Ha! Did my title make you look?! No, no don't worry, I'm not home to "fill my canteen". Mission - staying focused.

So last night as I was watching TV, a commercial came on for gum or something, I don't really remember, but it said "the average person has had 28 first kisses." (Clarification: this means a first kiss with 28 different people.) I was quite surprised because to me, that seemed like quite a few. I mean like really, I don't think I even know 28 guys! Ok, that's not a true statement but...ya! 28! Awesome! I mean, oh that's awful, what a player or something like that...

Then I thought, wow I am SO not average! For once in my life I've found a statistic that doesn't make me an average person! However, this means I'm below average (that's where you all go ahhh and pity me, pity the fool). Sad day in the life of Jenessa. It just looks like I've got a lot to catch up on when I get back from the mish. Ya, boys, look out for yours truly in 18 months.

Then I thought, wait, where did they come up with that statistic?! Did they survey a large sample of people? Or did they only survey those who came forward to answer? If someone walks up to you and asks you how many first kisses have you had, would you answer truthfully? What about those people who have yet to have their first kiss? Would they be willing to tell a stranger of their lack in life? (No offense). What about the person who is ashamed of how many first kisses they've had? Pause, is anyone ashamed if they've had a plethora of first kisses? I wouldn't be one to give you an answer that, go ask some boy or someone.

Anyways, I mean really, I could see so many variables, misconceptions, problems, and mistakes that could go wrong in this statistic. But I don't know anything. I don't know the statistical knowledge and facts behind this specific statistic and I'm not an expert on statistics like my good friend Ashley Bell who aced that class. So I guess my words aren't worth a grain of salt...but if salt has lost its savor, wait wait, that's another conversation for another time.

SO...Are you a statistical average? Do you find yourself wanting to be counted in this statistical average? Think about it and if so, then get out there and find someone (or several)!



  1. Haha Jenessa Yes this post made me look :) However knowing how tricky and funny you are I knew it had to be something else. Its great to be out of the Ordinary! I miss ya!

  2. Well, I already knew I was a statistical anomaly because my number of first kisses is 27 below the average and I'm happily married to the my first and last. :) I think I'd feel like a creeper/player/dysfunctional wacko if I'd kissed 28 people, though. I've probably known 28 guys but I don't think I've liked 28 enough to kiss them . . . and what's up with kissing people you don't like? Ick.

    Anyway. Your blog makes me smile.

  3. I have kissed 2 boys in my life and seeing as one is my husband that will probably be the highest number I reach! But I have also never kissed a Caucasian man and only kissed a US citizen once my husband became one in Oct. :)
